Making medication status updates instantly available

How I eliminated the need for 10-15 minute check-in calls and replaced it with instant status updates.

List of statuses


Case managers (CM) at Vanda, responsible for the oversight of patient medications, frequently need to look up the status of the delivery of a patient's medication. This required contacting the pharmacy directly.

Knowing the patient's medication status is critical to know if there are any blockers such as missing insurance information. Without this knowledge, a patient could be blocked from receiving their medication, Vanda could lose revenue, and the patient's medical condition could go untreated.

The inefficiency of this process costs the CMs 10-15 minutes per call for 3-10 calls a day.


I took the initiative to reach out to the CMs, the ones primarily handling patient cases, to validate the inefficiency I believed existed. They confirmed that this was indeed a pain point.

I worked with our pharmacy partners to provide Vanda data on the status of every patient's case.

With this data, I was able to design a tracker inside Vanda's customer relationship management system, giving Vanda up-to-date information on every patient's case.


This new tracker decreased the time it took to figure out the status of patient medication deliveries from 10-15 minute calls per patient to instant up-to-date statuses available inside our customer relationship management system.