Increasing opt-ins 5x with a simple change

How a simple popup addition led to a drastic increase in opt-ins.

Arrow pointing up


Vanda's main site was not generating the desired number of opt-ins. Capturing opt-in information is critical for Vanda to identify patients with medical conditions for which Vanda has a solution.

Visitors to the site had to search for the registration form, hidden in the navigation, directly causing a relatively lower number of opt-ins.

The solution couldn't require a major site redesign.


Seeing the low number of opt-ins and knowing Vanda in general needed a solution to captures leads, I presented the following solutions to management based on my research:

The first two options required some redesign to the homepage, which Vanda wanted to avoid. The last option required not only no redesign to the homepage but could be implemented quickly.


The popup implementation, lead to a 5x increase in opt-ins from the same time period the year before.